Source code for aws_spitzel.cli

#!/usr/bin/env python3
Run the following to get additional information on using the command-line 

    $ aws-spitzel --help

If you neither specifiy ``--from``, nor ``--to``, nor ``--last-minute``, the 
entire available date range will be used.
from argparse import (
from pathlib import Path
import datetime
import sys

sys.path.insert(0, str(Path(__file__).parent.parent))
import aws_spitzel

[docs]class ArgparseFormatter(ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter, RawDescriptionHelpFormatter): """A formatter class for showing default values and not inserting new line when showing the help text header """
[docs]def get_parser(): """ """ parser = ArgumentParser( prog=Path(__file__)'_', '-'), description='\n'.join([aws_spitzel.__doc__, __doc__]), epilog = 'Make sure to specify the correct AWS CLI profile through the ' 'AWS_PROFILE environment variable', formatter_class = ArgparseFormatter, ) parser.add_argument('action', metavar = 'IAM_ACTION', type = lambda s: aws_spitzel.Action(*s.split(':', 1)), help = "service id and action name in AWS IAM policy statement format " "($service_id:$action_name)", nargs = "+" ) parser.add_argument('--match', metavar = "EXPRESSION", help = "JSONPath filter", required = False, action = "append", type=lambda s: aws_spitzel.Filter(expression = aws_spitzel.get_expression_object(s)), default=[] ) parser.add_argument('--from', metavar = 'DATETIME', help = "start of date range to find events in", type = lambda s: datetime.datetime.strptime(s, aws_spitzel.DateRange.format), default= - datetime.timedelta(days=90) ) parser.add_argument('--to', metavar = 'DATETIME', help="end of date range to find events in", type=lambda s: datetime.datetime.strptime(s, aws_spitzel.DateRange.format), default= ) parser.add_argument('--last-minute', metavar = 'MINUTES', help="from now back to x minutes ago", type=int, ) return parser