Getting Started


$ python3 -m pip install httpaste-victorykit
$ httpaste --help

Create Configuration

$ httpaste default-config --dump myconfig.ini


The default configuration creates an in-memory SQLite backend, which is not suitable for WWW deployments. Visit backend, for more information on configuring the backend.

Run a Local Evaluation Server

$ httpaste standalone --config myconfig.ini --port 8080

Publish a Private Paste

$ echo 'My first private paste' | curl -F 'data=<-' -u myusername:mypassword http://localhost:8080/paste/private


If the user does not exist, they will be created upon authentication.

Retrieve a Private Paste

$ curl -u myusername:mypassword http://localhost:8080/paste/private/UALUA9
My first private paste

Publish a Public Paste

$ echo 'My first public paste' | curl -F 'data=<-' http://localhost:8080/paste/public

Retrieve a Public Paste

$ curl http://localhost:8080/paste/public/X4L39J
My first public paste